Why Choose Puratap?

If you have concerns about the taste and quality of your tap water read on to discover why Puratap should be your first choice in water filters.

Taste & Environment

Fresh, clean water with fewer chemicals is the highest priority for most health-conscious consumers. Looking after the environment and reducing waste are also important. Having a water purifier under the sink at home is now, as essential as installing a kitchen sink! Installing a filter is the easiest way to ensure that all the water you use for drinking and cooking has been filtered and that, your consumption of single-use plastic water bottles is significantly reduced.

“DID YOU KNOW  Plastic bottles are among the 10 most common rubbish items picked up on Cleanup Australia Day. Australia recycles only 36% of PET plastic drink bottles, so around 373 million plastic water bottles end up as waste each year.”


Made & Serviced In South Australia

To meet the concerns about the quality and taste of South Australian tap water, Puratap’s under-sink water filtration system is designed to withstand unique Australian conditions. Manufacturing the under-sink system right here in Adelaide has ensured that Puratap has total control of the quality of the unit. The Puratap water purifiers are constantly being tested and improved to ensure that the system is the best on the market.

Health Concerns & Chemical Reduction

Living a life with fewer chemicals has become increasingly important to people looking to make sure everything they put into their body is as healthy as it can be. The Puratap System consists of two separate stages of filtration. The first sediment filter removes any dirt, rust, and undissolved organic matter from the water. The second carbon filter removes chlorine, trihalomethanes, herbicides, pesticides, and many other chemicals. You really can taste the difference.

Easy Filter Change Service

The Puratap filters use the highest quality activated carbon filters and have been scientifically proven to remove chemicals from your main tap water. Booking a filter change annually is paramount to ensure your water is being filtered at the highest level. We have a team of local filter change experts which makes this easy for you. Ring and book whenever is convenient, or keep up-to-date with how your filter is performing using our new filter change app which monitors when your next change is due.

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